war games

美 [wɔːr ɡeɪmz]英 [wɔː(r) ɡeɪmz]
  • n.战争游戏(用模型士兵、战舰等在桌面或计算机上进行);军事演习;作战演习
  • war game的复数
war gameswar games

war games


  • 1
    N-COUNT 军事学习;作战演习
    War games are military exercises that are carried out for the purpose of training, and that are designed to imitate a real war as closely as possible.

  • 2
    N-COUNT 战争游戏;模拟战争
    A war game is a game in which model soldiers are used to recreate battles that happened in the past. War games can also be played on computers.

  1. It never used to work during war games .


  2. This system will remain in place until the war games end on March 20 .


  3. Therefore , the war games will proceed as scheduled .


  4. As ever , they ignored me and carried on with their war games .


  5. Barracks are an important scene of war games is the player to rest .


  6. Prepare all programs for war games .


  7. As with all Total War games , we cater for a very wide range of system specifications .


  8. Hundreds of different war games have been performed over the past year , according to people familiar with the situation .


  9. War games and high-speed pursuits by characters with guns and weapons of all kinds .


  10. You were all discharged on psychological grounds after some war games in thailand .


  11. The war games announcement is expected to futher heighten the nuclear dispute .


  12. People who play role-playing games , or war games , often spend a lot of time rolling dice .


  13. Teheran is planning to hold its own war games as a clear warning against the attack .


  14. War games are commonly used by the military to evaluate strategies , explore scenarios and reveal unexpected weaknesses .


  15. Corporate war games , which simulate the interactions of multiple actors in a market , provide a better way to do so .


  16. S.involvement in South China Sea territorial disputes and joint war games with South Korea in the Yellow Sea .


  17. We have some very realistic war games already developed for trying different tactics and strategy for all the major battles in world history .


  18. The vessel 's senior officer , Commander Bruce Legge , said the war games were an effective way to build trust and friendship .


  19. Let 's pretend , for the purposes of the exercise , that no one has ever played this before , and no one has watched War Games .


  20. The two world leaders are also expected to announce their plans to hold joint cyber war games starting later this year with a mock attack on banks .


  21. After leaving an Arctic air base to join this week 's war games , Mr Putin , 52 , played down his simulated bombing raid .


  22. South Korea and the United States responded with a series of joint war games they say are meant to deter the North from further provocative acts .


  23. India 's declaration comes as Iran launched war games yesterday , testing short-range missiles , just days after announcing it had been building a second uranium enrichment plant .


  24. Kerry is visiting South Korea amid fears that the North is preparing to retaliate for what it claims are war games by the U.S. and South Korea .


  25. League of Legends and DOTA 2 are both Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas or Mobas , action strategy war games typically involving two opposing teams of five individuals .


  26. North Korea even threatened a preemptive nuclear strike during South Korean and U.S. war games last month . Those maneuvers are over , but it seems the brinkmanship is not .


  27. The general military information integration system ( GMIIS ) about reserved brigades is the key part of many military departments , and is important for the military routine management , war games , and military emergencies .


  28. Like military war games , business war games are exercises that anticipate activities under specific situations or conditions in order to help an organization devise strategies , develop courses of action , plan initiatives and test ideas .


  29. But while U.S. troops have been taking part in ramped-up war games to reassure nervous European allies , at the White House Tuesday there were questions about how much Washington is willing to contribute .


  30. Trouble is brewing in the South China Sea . Beijing has just conducted a massive show of force , sending three naval fleets to participate in war games – televised in case anyone wasn 't watching .
